Here are some pics froma fewof the
american tournaments

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BBA Blader Jam West Coast Championships:

Location: Downtown Disney District®, Anaheim, California

Date: Saturday, November 15th, 2003

BBA Blader Jam East Coast Championships:

Location: U.S.S. Intrepid, New York, New York

Date: Saturday, November 22nd, 2003







Driger F





Name:Tyson Granger

Bit beast:Blue Dragon

Beyblade:Dragoon G

Beyblade features:EG spin gear

About him:The first person to get his

eg beyblade.He is all grown up and not

so much of a goofball now.


Name:Kai Hiwatiwi

Bit beast:Red Phoniex

Beyblade:Dranzer V2

Beyblade features:ACB clutch

About him:A fierce guy with a powerful Dranzer.Don't mess around with him.His Dranzer is so powerful that it could topple trees like dominoes!

Dragoon G



Dranzer V2





Name:Rei Kon

Bit beast:White Tiger

Beyblade:Driger V2

Beyblade features:flipping ar and sp,acb base

About him:Rei is one of the most strongest bladers out there.His Driger can scratch you heavily so don't go near it...... 


Name:Max Mizuhara

BNit Beast:Black Tortise

Beyblade:Draciel V2

Beyblade features:Support parts,metal ball base

About him:A chubby little boy who is really friendly.His beyblade,however,is really powerful with the ultimate defense.

Driger V2



Draciel V2





Name:Daichi Sumeragi

Bit Beast:Yellow Dragon

Beyblade:Gaia Dragoon V

Beyblade features:MG spin gear,double attact ring

About him:A boy who loves the mountains and has extraoridinary strenth whose chances for blading were awakened by chance.



About Him:The researcher of the group.Kenny modifys the beyblades. By the way his bitbeast, called Dizzi, is trapped inside his lap-top.


Gaia Dragoon V




About her:She is just like like Tyson, stubben,

fancy's Tyson and... well she dosn't have a beyblade.


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